Insurance companies across the board have started offering lower premiums to customers willing to share personal tracking data and customers don’t even need a special GPS tracking device. The companies can use data from either a driver’s smartphone, GPS technology already installed, or third party GPS units in the vehicle. Information provided can help insurance companies …
By 2019 GPS Tracking Devices will Surpass $3.5 Billion
According to ABI Research, GPS tracking devices, including wearables and iBeacons, will generate more than $3.5 billion by 2019. Although the market has struggled to reach its full potential in the past largely due to high prices, subscription requirements, and the inability to track indoors, the boom of wearable GPS tracking devices designed for children, …
By 2019 GPS Tracking Devices will Surpass $3.5 BillionRead More
Keep tabs on ice cream!
The iconic sound that excites children and adults alike may soon be retired. Starting today, those craving a a sweet treat will be able to use GPS tracking to keep tabs on their favorite ice cream truck. The move is part of O2 Business’s strategy to show businesses of all sizes and products how technology …
Need more GPS?
GPS tracking system for bears
Bears in Horry County neighborhoods are becoming more common because of increasing development through out the city. Officials from SCDNR said building new residential areas pushes bears out of their natural habitat and forces them to look for food and shelter elsewhere. Charles Brown does construction in Barefoot Resort. He said he’s seen bears on several occasions. …
Keep tabs on your stuff
POM, short for Peace of Mind, is a new Kickstarter project offering Bluetooth and GPS-based tracking tag solutions. The basic POM is a tracking device that connects to the iPhone via Bluetooth LE and attaches to all manner of things — pets, kids, valuables, and more. Much like similar tracking products such as Tile and …
Buy Here Pay Here GPS
BUY HERE PAY HERE GPS – AUTO FINANCING TRACKING SYSTEMS The Cal-Amp LMU-200 is the premier vehicle tracking unit for auto financing and buy here pay here dealers. It typically takes 51 weeks to break even on an finance contract. Vehicle tracking systems area an important tool to protect and monitor a portfolio. Our web …
A new need for GPS tracking
At the Yarnell Hill Fire: Hotshot crews working in teams of five to seven firefighters under a supervisor used hand-held radios to transmit positions and updates to officials at an incident command center. In recordings of their final calls, though, fire supervisors in aircraft above seemed to struggle to figure out the hotshots’ general location. …
Wearable GPS tracking for kids
For parents who are worried about keeping track of their children, technology offers a possible solution: kid-friendly wearable devices with GPS tracking built in. Wearable technology has exploded in recent years, with health monitoring technology such as Fitbit, and wearable computers, such as Google Glass. There are wearables for adults — even wearables for …
GPS and TRACK in the News for our Teen GPS Tracker
“It’s midnight and I’m not famous yet.” – Jimmy Buffett. This was a news story that was done about our Teen GPS tracking unit. This is a great way to protect and monitor your teen driver. It’s like your in the vehicle with them even though your not. You will have complete history, speed alerts, …