GPS and Track has released the new IPhone APP! This new free APP for vehicle fleet tracking is available for IOS and Android. The new fleet tracking APP allows using to monitor vehicles in real time with detailed history. This smart phone APP is ideal for small or large businesses that are trying to monitor and track vehicles.
The new IPhone APP is available to download
The APP can also be downloaded from the APP Store GPS-FLEET and click on APP with developer Michael Fischer.
Fleet tracking systems give real time tracking with detailed history reports. This allows businesses and users to become more efficient. Fleet tracking is like having a virtual car seat in all the vehicles. The detailed history reports allows you to recreate any time in history with every stop-start, engine on-off, routes, and speeds. If a customer wants an ETA, our tracking APP will give an exact location. It’s just as simple to get detailed history for any vehicle. Fleet tracking is affordable and very effective. Visit GPS and Track for more information.